Board of Commissoners

Keristianto Suryadjaya

President Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, 65 years old. He graduated from West London College, London.

He started his career as Accounting and Finance Manager at PT. Bintang Toedjoe in year 1974-1983. He then joined Tamara Group in the year 1988-present.

Ariyanto Sutedjo


Indonesian citizen, 55 years old. He graduated from Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

He started his career as the Head of Legal Dept. PT. Tamara Bank TBK. from year 1990-2000. Moreover, He also has served as Director of Omni Batavia Hotel from year 2000-2004 and President Commissioner of PT. Henan Putihrai Sekuritas from 2006-present.